The Walloon Society in Finland celebrated its 30th Anniversary at Fiskars and Svartå Ironworks on 8th–9th June 2024

After years of waiting and preparation, the association's members finally gathered at the beginning of June for a joint event and celebration in which a total of 53 guests participated.

The Belgian Embassy was represented by His Highness Ambassador Alexis de Crombrugghe with wife Madame Isabelle Fontaine, who attended the entire weekend. In addition to them, we also had the pleasure of celebrating with Jean-Philippe Schklar, who has worked as the Belgian Embassy's financial and commercial advisor in Riga, also representing the Wallonie-Brussels International society which, among other things, financed the Society’s new website. Schklar will be moving on to new assignments in the autumn and his successor M. Jérôme Bronckart was also at the party, which was gratifying. The Society of Walloon Descendants from Sweden sent a delegation of 11 people to represent and celebrate with us, led by chairman Anders Herou and wife Marit Dravnieks.

The program on the main day of festivities, on Saturday 8th of June, went exactly as planned with beautiful weather, when we celebrated at Fiskars ironworks. You can familiarize yourself with the detailed program and menus in the PDF documents.

On Saturday afternoon, we got to know the Fiskars museum area and the historical Ironworks  in general with the help of guides from the Fiskars Museum and enjoyed French afternoon coffee with tarte tatin in Fiskars Lokalen. Fiskars Lokalen has functioned as a meeting place since the year 1896 and was restored in 2016. The evening's gala party was held in the same place, the Lokalen, which was given a festive atmosphere.

The event included 18th century music presented by Karin Sandqvist and Jan-Erik Elfving, speeches by the Belgian ambassador Alexis de Crombrugghe, Professor Georg Haggrenin, chairwoman Minna Silver and chairman Anders Herou, delicious food, a minuet performance and finally dancing.The atmosphere was high and the guests enjoyed themselves.

The catering service managed by Fiskars Wärdshus was absolutely excellent. On Sunday 9.6.we visited Svartå Bruk's beautiful wooden church, which was taken into use in 1761 to replace the old church.

The service was conducted by Jyrki Knuutila, professor emeritus of Practical Theology at the University of Helsinki. Knuutila also gave a speech about Calvinism and the history of the Walloons in Finland. Andreas Forsberg provided the music.

Svartå Castle was explored with the help of museum guides in two groups, after which the groups moved to the Slottskrogens Pavilion for a three-course lunch.The planned visit to the classical garden was canceled due to the rain, although its history was highlighted in essential parts during the castle tour.After lunch, when the rain stopped, we familiarized ourselves with the castle garden.

You can access the atmosphere and get an idea of ​​the spaces through the selected images. More images will come as we receive GDPR approvals for them from participants.

Our association was generously sponsored by the Sophie von Julin Foundation, the Belgian Embassy, ​​the Wallonie-Brussels International organization from Brussels, Pirkko and Leif Moring as well as Henry Johansson, for which the association is very grateful!


pdf 30 Year Anniversary Program Fiskars 8.6.

pdf 30 Year Anniversary Menu 8.6.

pdf 30 Year Anniversary Poster

pdf 30 Year Anniversary Mustio Ironworks Church Service 9.6,